
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Reader Requested Ass-Ripping.

Had a request to do a nice Tiger Woods rant. Little dated, but still can be fun. Thought I could make it one all by itself, but didnt have enough of stuff really. So I will turn this one into a celeb ass-ripping.

Tiger Woods - WHAT WERE YOU THINKING SON???? You were married to a SWEDISH BOMBSHELL!!!! And you threw it away for a fucking waitress at Perkin's!?!?!?! Tiger, I know you wanted to keep it secret and all, but damnnnnnn. Go find some nobody model or some hack singer and tear that up. At least you can hold some respect. You have what 10, 15, some say 50 mistresses???? REALLY!?!?! Nothing registered that is may be a little bit of overkill. There's a old saying that says how a sailor has a different woman in every port. You put the sailor's to shame my friend. Still love ya thought. Me and you are good. But now, good sir, you are no longer a Tiger. You a Cheeta. Get it!?!?!?!

Lindsay Lohan - PUT THE BOTTLE DOWN!!!!!!!! JESUS, you were a sex symbol. Every guy would have sold his house and car for 10 minutes with you, and now, I don't think you could give that wrecked flap of a thing you call a va-jay-jay. I rather put my stick in a vat of nuclear waste that also doubled as Susan Boyle's toilet.

Paris Hilton - DITTO!!!!!!! Well more for you is to put the drugs down. In a recent book, Paris told the author that she used to take her drugs and put them into a empty cigarette box, and then she would stick up in the hoo-hah, and get on to the flight!?!?!?!? REALLY?!?!?!?! Well you get points for thinking, I give you that. But if you can, on numerous occasion's do that, it's time to get some help sweetheart.

Brett Farve - WHY ARE YOU TEXING YOUR JUNK OUT TO WOMEN BRETT????????????? Your Brett F'ing Farve, you would have biotches all over you if you wanted. You have a MILF of a wife now in Deanna, WHY BRETT??? Now, plus this season your having, all I will remember of you is your last crap year, and hearing of your old junk being sent all over. Congrats Brett, Congrats

Going to add more to this very very soon.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ass Ripping Part 3.

Here we are again gentle snowflakes. Time for me to comment on the world and it's problem's.

People who party and then post a profile picture of themselves doing a keg-stand - We get it. Your just John fucking Wayne awesome. You, with the help of friends, can lift you up and drink beer in a way it was not intended to. Touche'. But really, no one care's. Have it as a picture on there, great. i love seeing them. But you don't need to show "How badazzzzzzz" you are in your profile.

Woman who sell pictures of a famous man's slong - STOP IT!!!! Your a whore for selling it. Stop "looking for a quick payday" It is insulting. A man just does not willy nilly sext a picture of the hog to you, just so you can send it to Perez Hilton after he screws you for a few weeks, and never calls again. Get over it, you got used. But stop ruining reputations over it.

Tea Party People - If you want the general public to take you seriously, you MUST STOP LETTING WITCHES AND NAZI'S IN!!!!!!!!!! If you reading this think I am exaggerating, i'm not. Well maybe a tad with the witch part. But go read up on Christine O'Donnell and Rich Iott. She wants a ban on masturbation. I can't take you seriously when you have these people. Not at all.

Weather People - Stop alerting us when a tropical depression forms 4,500 miles away off the coast of Africa. WE DONT CARE. Katrina was horrible, we understand. But i'm tired of hearing of these storms, just to hear a week later its closer now to England than to the East Coast. GET THE DAMN WEATHER CORRECT HERE!!!!!

People who produce commerical's - STOP MAKING THE FUCKING VOLUME 8329x louder than the show's volume. I am sick of almost being asleep, then hearing your theme song BLAST out of the TV and screw up my near sleep.

Facebook people - Stop posting the damn "like this and I will tell you what I think of you" or whatever- Stop it. If your that bored, go read a book, the newspaper, something. If your 18, go research the amendments and people who you can vote for. Do your civic duty and get out at vote, not regale on what you thought the first time you saw me in a school hallway and you thought that "i looked scary" or "your beard is nasty" idc. You bitches are just jealous you can't grow this epicness.

Guy's who post mirror shot's of themselves - Stop itttt. You just look rediculous. And double douche points to the ones who show their abs. This is facebook, NOT A DAMN ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH STORE!!!!!!!!!!!

60 Minutes - PLEASEEEEE STOP THE ANDY ROONEY SEGMENT AT THE END OF THE SHOW!!!!!! (I know maybe 2 people who read this will even know who he is) It is just painful to watch you bitch at the sticker's that come on pieces of fruit.

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Capitol One - STOP SENDING ME CREDIT CARD APPLICATION'S!!!!!!! I must get one a week. I do not want one!!!!!!! Why would I want your card, which to purchase a $1 dollar candy bar, after interest and hidden fees, would cost me as must as $3. NO!

Baseball people - Stop bitching how instant reply will 'slow the game down' IT TAKES 4 HOURS FOR A FUCKING GAME TO FINISH NOW. What's 4 hours and 10 minutes??? I will take it to get the calls correct.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ass Ripping's Part 2

Old one was getting to long, time to start a new one.

You sexually frustrated people - I'm sick of seeing (mainly you girls) go back and forth between the 'hog' and the 'swamp' PICK ONE. Actually, if you come on out and say your bi, i'm more ok with that. But this crap where you date a guy for 32492398 year's, then you go to a girl for 34828 years and then maybe a fling with a guy, then back to the girl, but you can't admit your bi or lesbian outload. ADMIT IT. PROVE YOUR A CARPET MUNCHER. GROW A PAIR/ I can not take you serious when you can not admit it.

People at McDonalds who order a Super Size Big Mac and Fries, with a Diet Coke - STOP IT!!!!!!!!! Its a 1,000 calories already dumb ass. You really think that Diet Coke is going to help "balance it" REALLY?!?!?! Man up and go for the Coke, then go vomit it all up. Bet it works better.

Girls who wear these ass cut jeans and shirts where your breast are falling out - If you catch me taking a peek, and believe me, I, and every other guy age 14-80 is, STOP ACTING LIKE YOUR OFFENDED. IF YOU LEAVE YOUR HOUSE WITH 49% OF YOUR TIT OUT, OR 4 INCHES OF ASS CRACK SHOWING, YOUR DARING GUYS TO LOOK. You secretly want it you skanky girl you :) 

T.V Executive - IF YOU BASTARD'S MAKE ONE MORE VAMPIRE SHOW, I'M GOING TO ABSOLUTELY LOSE IT. There has to be at least 5. I will give you True Blood, but the other's must go, NOW. YOU CANCEL 24 FOR THIS SHIT!?!!?!?!

Mountain Dew - Please stop with the new flavor's. I love you more than life itself. No one is more pro Mountain Dew than me. BUT PLEASEEEEEEEEE, STOPPPPPPP. Keep regular, Livewire, and Code Red. That's all we need. Personally, I can do without Code Red, but I like to compromise. There are like 9 in the gas station's now. Takes me like 7 minutes to decide. ITS KILLING MEEEEEE.

More To Come Bitches :)


Condom Makers - STOP WITH ALL THE NEW CONDOM'S!!!!!!! Ones that vibrate, one that's are icy and warm. One's that tingle the girl. GLOW IN THE DARK!!!! LIKE I'M GOING TO LOSE MY PENIS, Studded ones, "French Tickler's", Flavored ones, I could go on. It's sex, not a damn science experiment. Stay on, don't break, THATS ALL WE NEED. IVE NEVER HEARD OF A GIRL TURNING DOWN THE 'HOG' BECAUSE IT WAS A NORMAL CONDOM. Everything eles is poppycock.

Girls - STOP THINKING GUY'S ARE DISGUSTING BECAUSE WE WANT TO GET IN YOUR PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!! It is in a man's DNA to want to see your 'under smile' at any and all cost. IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE THINK LESS OF YOU OR THAT WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!!!! It always always means that we do. I can still like and love you, and simultaneously also want to mount you over the nearest table, bed, couch, or any other solid object and not care if your grandparents watch :)

Facebook people - STOP POSTING YOUR DEPRESSING SONG LYRIC'S AFTER YOU GET DUMPED!!!!!!! I have my own damn problem's, I don't need to see your's followed by a sad fucking Taylor Swift song. Go to the store, buy a bottle of Jack Daniel's and drink your damn problem's away like a normal American does.

Girls again - PICK A BEST FRIEND AND STICK WITH HER. You bitches go through them like guy's go through underwear, one a week. Hahaha. No, but seriously, every 4 months, 80% of you have your 'ride or die bitch' STOP IT!!!!!! IVE HAD THE SAME BEST FRIENDS FOR 6 YEARS. Its not that hard :)

Tea Party. Legit, Kinda Legit, Or Just Plain B.S??

Been awhile since I've done a good political blog. Been trying to save this one up, because I knew it could be good. Its close enough to the coming elections that it applies nicely. Now, we all know of the Tea Party. And most of you either have one of two opinions. Either you love them, their message, and everything. Or, your the majority who just think that these are crazy white people who hate that the President is black and they want to take out some deep seeded hostility on him and anything else they can connect to him or Washington.

Now, let me start out by saying this: I do kinda agree with the Tea Party movement in some area's. Shocking I know, blew my mind just saying it. Once I actually started doing my own research, (not just listening to the news and reading print media) I found I agree with some of their main idea's. Now, in saying that, it also took me over a hour, going through many sites and paper's to actually find their common ideal's.

Now, when it comes to ending earmarks, or more to the point, requiring a 2/3's majority to pass them, is good. Also, to put a "all or above" policy on energy, mainly just looking to end dependence on foreign countries, is also a good thing. Another point, I do believe that there are some in this movement that genuinely want to have good, honest change in America. And whether you or I agree is irreverent. The fact that some want to be or start a new movement and induce change is patriotic and I applaud those in the group who want change for change sake. Good honest change.

Now to the problems I have, haha. One big one I have about the Tea Party, is the fact there really is not a Tea Party. There is not one, two, or three unified group that are the raining leader. Every Tom, Dick, or Harry runs their own chapter of some sort of Tea Party. You have (and these are the bigger of the groups) : The National Tea Party Coalition, The Tea Party Express, Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Nation, and the National Tea Party Federation. And that's to just to name a few. When you have all of these groups, all of which believe they should be the major players, you get many, many different people all yelling for change and whatnot. What this does is just distort the message.

The Dem's and GOP have the DNC and RNC. National Committee's that basically run everything within their party. Now, that's a bad thing because they do have a monopoly on a lot of the party, but it also unifies them and helps in many ways as well, give and take. Now, I'm not saying the Tea Party needs to do that, but have a few groups be it. Have a few groups control most of the message and policy.


But now to the meat of my problem with this movement. This is something I touched on in one of my earliest post. (Go down and read it if you have not) And it is with the wing nut, crazy, racist, douche bag, jack asses at the rallies, the political leaders, the officials running on the Tea Party flag, the secret funders of the whole party, and the people on the internet and who get on TV and just spew verbal excrement from their mouths to do nothing but incense people. (run on sentence FTW) Now I take it you see the pictures throughout. I literally typed Tea Party Pictures into Google images and got those. Did not type anything eles. Not socalism, not monkey, not balls, just Tea Party Pictures. That right there is my whole take on the Tea Party.

If those are the people at your rallies, America is in a scary place my friends. Now, my Republican friends will say "Now Cody, people had signs like that at anti-Bush events and all." True, I will agree. But their is a difference between the two. The people at the Bush rallies were not racist bigots who believe the FUCKING PRESIDENT WAS BORN IN KENYA. People poked fun at Bush because of his policies and his verbal gaff's, and at the fact he choked on a pretzel, but not his race. People NEVER SERIOUSLY questioned ol GW's citizenship's, or his religious affliciations. I can not think of anyone who, with any seriousness, questioned any of that. In a recent, I believe it was the PEW Foundation. poll came out and in it was this. They concluded that 52% of Republican's (Which is the Tea Party, no real Dem's in it) now believe that the President sympathizes with Muslim's and the terrorist. Also, I believe around 26% said they have serious doubt's if whether our President is in fact a natural U.S citizen. (BTW, this post is getting fucking long. I'm sorry.) It is sicking to me.

Hate the guy's policies all you want. Hate health care all you want, don't call it socialism. By that standard, Cuba is socialist, which is impossible because they are Communist. Also would make Great Britain socialist, but that's impossible because they are a monarchy. Big Daddy Cane once told me this, and it applies : "Humphrey, you slick, sexy bastard, always remember this. Don't hate the player. Hate the game"

In closing now, (FUCKING FINALLY CODY, I know) let me say this. I want the Tea Party to be a success. I do. But not like this. I would love a new party to rise (would prefer the Libertarian's) and challenge the powerhouses and shake up Washington. But to accomplish it with hate, bigotry and whatnot is not the way to do it. It will only tarnish our reputation around the world, something we can not afford to do. The Tea Party can do good things as a whole if it can get a grip on these radical's in their group.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

10 Rules Every Man Must Always Live By

Now, I feel confident all of you know what 'The Bro Code' is. And if you do not, and you consider yourself my friend, just go take a long walk off of a short pier. I see men, almost daily now, breaking the rules of Dudedom, and it is saddening. So i'm going to give you all 10 simple rules to live by as a man.

1. Always have at least one condom within arm's reach at every moment. This rule is not only to keep you safe and child-support free, its also to help out a fellow brochacho. Your boy may be sealing the deal in the next room, and need one. Do the bro a solid and help out.

2. Always observe the 'two-urinal' rule in ANY public bathroom with more than 3 urinal's. This is not a homophobic rule either. Just good manners. Always look forward. Avoid small talk. We are peeing. I dont feel like discussing current events.

3. Never get a tattoo of a chick's name, or allow a fellow bro-in-arms to do it. We have all seen this movie before. You get Cindy on your arm. 2 years later, your telling Spike at the local tat parlor "You think we can turn that into a pair of knockers with a Bud Light in the middle?"

4. If a bro's girlfriend inquires about his sexual history, you are to always lie your ass off. Do not make it worse by saying he is a virgin or he barely gets any either, that is a major offense. Make him sound good.

5. No true bro should ever hook up with a fellow bro's sister. This is just a brelony of the highest degree.

6. No bro shall ever apply sunscreen, icy-hot, or any other type of savv, cream, or lotion to another man UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

7. No bro will ever pursue a fellow man's mom. Step-mom is acceptable. Only on the basis that either she makes the advance first, or if she is wearing at least one piece of leopard print clothing.

8. Bro's shall always follow the 'Acceptable Chick Age' when dating. Take your age, divide by 2, and add 7. For instance, if your 20, do NOT go for anything under 17. And even then, it better be something fantasticccccccccccccc.

9. Bro's never send another man a greeting, sympathy, or birthday card. EVER.

10. The most important rule of all. A BRO ALWAYS HAS ANOTHER BRO'S BACK. PERIOD. You see your bro in need of a wingman, YOU ARE THERE. Needs you to scoop up a grenade, YOU FALL ON IT.  In jail for a charge for which you were apart of, YOU BAIL THEM OUT. A bro always has a fellow bro's back.

There will be more to come. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE ANY BRO LAWS YOU FEEL I MISSED IN THE COMMENT SECTION. If they are deemed worthy, they will be added to the overall list.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Israel And Palestinian Peace Talk's Enter Final Hour

Article first published as Israel and Palestinian Peace Talk's Enter Final Hour on Technorati.

As the end of the month draws ever closer, the Sunday deadline for construction in the disputed East Jerusalem looms ever larger now after the U.N General Assembly.

The main issue in all of this is the expansion of construction from the Israeli government, not the age old Arab vs Semitic religious war.

Now it has seemed that progress has been made. President Netanyahu left his special enjoy to these talks to remain in Washington. President Abass of Palestine has shown a willingness to support the two-state system, but has also stated that he will quit negotiations if constructions continue after Sunday's moratorium.

Last night, King Abdullah of Jordan was on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and he said in regards to the September 30th deadline "If we fail on the 30th [of September], expect another war by the end of the year." It seems that more of the Arab world is coming around the continued peace and a two-state solution between these two countries.

The Arab/Israeli conflict goes all the way back to the creation of the Israeli state. Israel declared independence on May 14th 1948, and the very next day it was attacked by neighboring Arab countries. And it has been in many war's ever since.

Many peace talks have happened between these two countries have happened over the years, and every one has ended in bloodshed. History says this latest attempt will follow suit. For the first time though, it seems like there is a hope. We will know a lot more in the next 48 hours, and then in the coming weeks and month.
Read more:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ass Ripping Time

Title lay's it out. I'm going to go on a ass ripping tear. Verbal, well I guess it would be cyber rape. Correction. Cyber Rape. Going to try and keep it short and sweet, like a midget with a lollipop. Going after everything. Politicians, "Reality TV Stars," Sports. Everything here. Lets get to it.

+++ Every Mom on Teen Mom (This includes the mothers of the actual Teen Moms) - Why must every single of of you act like hormonal, dumb bitches? If you are not hitting each other, wiring some guy 3,000 ON CRAIGSLIST for shipping a car, your getting into nasty verbal fights IN FRONT OF THE DAMN KID. Act like you have some sense, not just single-wide sluts. Raise your damn kids the correct way. Get off of damn television. 

+++ People who call the President a Muslim, Marxist, Kenyan, say he has no Birth Certificate, or that he supports Terrorism  - SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! You really think that someone like that could fool 300,000,000 people AND BECOME PRESIDENT! WHILE DOING ALL THAT?!?!?! If you do, you have a serious mental condition, and I hope you get the help you most obviously need. And yes, you have the Freedom of Speech, and technically you can say it. BUT WHEN YOU KNOW IT IS FALSE, and still say it, your doing just for the attention. And in that case, I pity you. 

+++ Jackass Kids who run across the field at baseball games - GROW A SACK!!! You want to run across the field, you better be streaking. Otherwise, your just a punk ass bitch. Anyone can run across a football field with a red silk suit thing on. Takes a damn man to whip out the jewel's in front of 30,000 and risk taking a taser barb to the shaft. That earn's respect. Man up. 

+++ Jehovah Witness's - We know who Jesus is. Do not need you to tell me. Moving on. 

+++ To the next person I get behind on U.S. 1 who turns and does not use their blinker - I AM GOING TO FOLLOW YOU AND CASTRATE (PIMP SLAP IF YOUR A WOMAN) YOU!!! I do not feel like playing the guessing game when your break light comes on. 

+++ Girls on Facebook who constantly "like" those "I want a guy to treat me right" or "I want a guy who wont break my heart" links - Can we grow the fuck up please? This is life, not a Nicholas Sparks book. Want a guy to treat you right? The majority of guy's do not try to be a dick to you. Girls always say how simple guys are, how you are the smarter sex? Really? Really? (Grey's Anatomy ref.) [I watch it. So what? Its a great show]  If we are so easy to figure out, why do you always pick the douche bags out of the group who make you go and find links like that? Most guys are great, fantastic guys. We want to treat you great. We do. We really do. Let the good ones in. 

Goodbye :)
***Will add more as they flow into the mind***

+++ Another Facebook problem - All you girls and guys (mostly girls. about 70%-30%) who try and fool people with how much "you love god and always go to church on Sunday." It does not work in religion to go to church on Sunday after going out Saturday night, (Monday - Saturday night to get technical) AND HAVING PREMARITAL SEX, DRINKING, AND DOING DRUGS. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU POST PICTURES OF YOU PLAYING A ROUND OF BEER PONG!!!!!!!!!!! I think that breaks 3 Commandments right there!!!!!

+++People who break up more than 3 times in (and I'm being damn generous here) 8 months and get back right back together - STOP IT!!!!!!!! If you cant make it work the 1st, 2nd, or even (being generous again) a 3rd time, YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT WORK!!!!!! IT WONT. If your meant to be, your meant to be. Period. Stop bitching when you break up, and then saying how you have a eternal love 16 hours later after you get back with him/her.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The 3 Main Things Wrong With America

Hellooooooooooo! Its that time again. Been going pretty serious the past few days. Time to take it down a notch today. Today's rant is going to be about changes. In America, we do alot of things well. Granted. Many things we do are fantastic. But, we also do things that are very 'WTF'ish.' We have many laws, policies, or idea's that are so simple, and so accepted across the world that we think we are to good for. Well I do believe that these following 3 things are reduclous and need to be changed, i'm going to try and have to some fun with this one. More pun's and jokes today. It's Hump Day, we all need a laugh.

Number 1 (This is for all my college friends) - Legalization. IT IS TIME TO LEGALIZE POT AND LOWER THE DRINKING AGE TO 18. Its not 1971 anymore. There is no more "War on Drugs" anymore. We know more about drugs than 40 years ago. Hell, pharmaceutical companies make thousands of drugs today that are more powerful than anything there was in 1970. I come from a relatively small down. And i would be hard pressed to find someone who has not tried beer or alcohol BY 16. Let alone 18 or even the legal age of 21. Now the number who have tried marijuana are not assss rampant, but but 18, I would say a sizable majority have taken at least one puff. I mean it is just ridiculous. Your telling me I can go to war and get killed, come home missing a limb at 19 because a IED blew my fucking leg off from the knee down, and I can not have a beer? Or I have the right to vote over any issue, but no politician or powerful figures will not allow a vote to legalize? Do not think the votes are not there. They are there. Every year since 1970, the opposition of it has decreased, while the people in favor has adversely increased every year. And for medical usage? The number is like 85% in favor. Up over 35% since 1970. The votes are there. The amount the government could, and would, make in taxing it, would be a very nice help as well. It will not be a lot, but it would alleviate some problems. 

(Wait, I may be more serious than i originally thought) 

Number 2 - Oil. America has been getting gang-banged by the Saudi Royal Family since around 1950. You might be laughing, but that was not a joke. Lol. The House of Saud control's the largest oil reserve in the world. And the scary part is we only get around 15% of our oil from them. We do draw the largest amount's from here at home and Canada, who have the 2nd largest reserve.  But because we stick our nose into everything in the Middle East it seems, and even more important, because we love Israel so much, the Saudi's spike the price of oil. They do to any country supporting Israel. Why does this matter? Because it is bankrupting America, and every citizen. We are, well were, who knows anymore, but at one time were one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. Why are we dependent on fossil fuel's anymore? Why do we still let Shell, B.P., and Exxon stick their gas pumps up our ass? There should be fleet's of car's running off of electric, hydrogen, ethanol, or I have even heard wind tossed out there. Yes, those are out there now, but they are in their infancy. No reason why we still use the same technology that we used in WWII. You still see anything that was used in 1945 that has not been upgraded 1000 times over today? Time to break the mold.

And finally, Number 3 - Population Discrimination. Now, some of you are having a 'smh' moment. (btw, took me weeks to figure out what the hell that meant) Population Discrimination is something I have just started hearing about from pundants, most notably from Bill Maher. What this is boils down to is two of the oldest staples of America. The Senate and the House of Representatives. Now, the House members all boil down to population. The more populated the area, the more House members. And its counterpart, The Senate, always have 2 elected Senators from each state. The Senate was implemented to give the smaller states a voice. Now the problem I have with this is this. In the state of Delaware, there are 2 Senators and 1 House member. Now take the state of California. California has 2 Senators and 53 House members. Delaware's Senators represent around 400,000 people each. Senators of California represent around 18,000,000. How is that fair? Each California House member represents over 600,000 people thats more than Delaware's Senators. Now, I am not bashing the Founding Father's. Not at all. This system worked for them, when it was 1776. Its 2010. Two of my all time favorite quotes by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (yes, i know their quotes. Not every quote comes from a fucking Nicholas Sparks book) are these:

"The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government - George Washington"

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere - Thomas Jefferson"

When something is ineffective with government, contrary to what most of the public and politicians think, change is a good thing. It is what the Founders of these United States wanted. It is patriotic to want change. Example, people who are against the Mosque, instead of just saying how wrong it is and foaming at the mouth. GET UP AND FUCKING DO SOMETHING! Get out and vote. Petition. Referendums. Write your elected officials. 

Here is what I want:

1. Repeal the ban on possessing and the use of marijuana and lower the national drinking age to 18. Impose a tax on marijuana. Increase the penalty, harshly, for DUI and DWI.
2. Cut on dependence on foreign fossil's fuels by 50% by 2025 and be completely off it by 2040.
3. A complete restructuring of the United States Congress. Thats right, I said it, wanna fight about it? I say base it all on population. Now I really do not have some master system in place to please everyone. This is a bold freaking request. Maybe I will in another blog. Gives you a reason to tune in...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mosque Mosque Baby

(Now, before I start, let me state RIGHT NOW by stating my deepest condolences for EVERY SINGLE PERSON who was lost in this horrible tragedy. Also to every family member who lost a brother, sister, son, daughter, wife, or husband on that day. Every fireman, policeman, EMT, and every volunteer who was down there during and after is a hero in my eyes, something this country truly lacks. So, everyone who might try to demonize me as a Muslim lover, a Anti-American, or whatever you come up with, I pity you. I am hard pressed to find someone who loves America more than me.)


It's that time again. Two in two days, churning them out. I have tryed to stay someone relevent on my last post, but I have mostly stayed away from real emotional pieces. What I mean by that is pieces that get John Q Public very fired up and loud. But, time to tackle one. And i'm going with the still somewhat hot topic of the now infamous Ground Zero Mosque, which really is not a mosque, its a Community Center that has a worshiping place inside. Its a big difference. Would you call a hospital with a chapel in in a church?

[[[ "The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, Senator Reid respects that, but thinks that the mosque should be built someplace else." -Statement from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. ]]]

First, to everyone who wants to say how this is a monumental 'F You' by the Muslims. Shut The Hell Up. Like they are on some kind of power 'roid trip??? Like the whole Muslim world wants to bend America over???? Lets discuss some building specs. on the Community Center. It is over two blocks from the Memorial site. The buildings in front, behind, and on either side will be larger than the Community Center, so it becoming some huge symbol can not architecturally happen. The Community Center itself, besides having a worship area, will also have a basketball court, a culinary class, oh, and A FUCKING 9/11 MEMORIAL!!!! Bet Fox News or MSNBC have not reported that to you. I do not remember seeing it.

Also, do not forget the fact that Muslim's were killed in the towers and surrounding building on 9/11. The number, which is excluding the hijackers, credited experts estimate to be anywhere from 20-75, but no one knows for sure. A Muslim Imam has stated it was 1,000, but he has been discredited.

[[["Nazis don't have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust Museum in Washington. We would never accept the Japanese putting up a site next to Pearl Harbor. There's no reason for us to accept a mosque next to the World Trade Center." -Gingrich]]]

The worldwide number of faith practicing Muslims is over 1.3 billion people. That is over 1/6 of the entire worlds population. The top 5 countries with the highest Muslim populations are in order: Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Egypt. They have combined around 700,000,000 Muslims. You know where the hijackers were from? Of the 19, only one of them came from the above, Egypt. The others came, mostly from Saudi Arabia, also the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Lebanon. Saudi, UAE, and Lebanon fall in at #16, #48, and #54. To think all Muslim's hate America, and that every Muslim wants to wage war against America, like Republican figure heads Newt Gingrich and Sarah 'Wasilla" Palin, is just plain ignorant, and its scary. So nix that.

[[["The folks who want to build this mosque — who are really radical Islamists who want to triumphally prove that they can build a mosque right next to a place where 3,000 Americans were killed by radical Islamists — those folks don't have any interest in reaching out to the community. They're trying to make a case about supremacy." — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a potential 2012 presidential candidate."]]]

Most Muslim, like Imam Rauf, the man behind the Community Center, which is what it is, are very pro-America. Imam Rauf has worked with the Bush Administration on helping heal American-Muslim relations in middle-eastern countries. He has spoken on national TV, condemming all Muslims who commit acts of terror, as well as condemming 9/11 outright. To be fair, he also has said things that are very critical of America and our foregin policy. But I would venture to say the over whelming vast majority of the Muslim world are not Anti-America. but that is mostly my opinion. And to the ones who are are anti-American, I guarantee if we left Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as Israel, you would see a lot of the Muslim countries and Muslim people start to come out and become at minimum neutral, more likely would start forging relationships in some capacity with America.

[[[ "Obama defended the right of all Americans to practice religion as they see fit, but some are against building a mosque just blocks away from the biggest tragedy on US soil in the history of the country." -Tweet from former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin." ]]]

This whole argument starts and ends with one simple fact that most reading this take for granted and is all these people want. Freedom of Religion, 1st Amendment rights. We all know 9/11 was horrible. But did you all also know that there are ALREADY TWO MOSQUE'S WITHIN 10 BLOCKS OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER?!?! Or that there is a non-denominational place of worship built in 2002 in the Pentagon where Muslim's worship daily?!?!?!? Bet you didn't. Mhmm. Terrorism has been happening all over the world, for hundred's of years of now. The term has only caught on in the past decade.

So here is my summary to all this:
1. Allow the Community Center (notice how I keep referring to it as what it really is) to be built. Yes, technically they could, and still could, pick a new place farther away, but, under the Constitution, if you agree or not, it is a person's inherit right to practice their religion how they see fit. The people who will worship at said Center are a peaceful, anti-terrorism Muslim who just want to live their lives.
2. The anti-America retoric being pushed out by our former, current, and future leaders need to end now. It does nothing but add gasoline to a issue that needs nothing of the sort. These people run the free world. You should not spew views that will alienate over 1/6 of the word's population. No matter what .00000000000000000000000000000001% did on 9/11
3. The news media outlets need to take a objective view of this subject and not just pander to its viewers. You are supposed to leave your opinion at home.

In closing, let me once again express my feelings on the subject of 9/11. What happened that day was, well it was beyond any words. I remember exactly where I was the moment I heard. It was the worst tragedy this country has ever experienced. And I can not express the remorse I have for every single person affected that day and those to this day. Also, let no one say I am anti-America. I love my country. I love being American, where else could I do this?

P.S. - I know most people disagree with me, and that is 100% okay. Feel feel to comment, critique, and criticize my argument all you want, I encourage it. But leave it at that. Do not resort to childish name-calling or whatever. Debate the point, not the debater. I recently got into a argument because people feel it add's to a argument to use name-calling, espically over the President. Debate the man's work, not his DNA.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rise and Reign of the 2nd Galactic Empire

*To all those who are throw by the title, that is a Star Wars reference and shame on you for not knowing it.

Hello again blogisphere. It is that proverbial time again.

Time's are tough today. Worst economic times since the Great Depression. Unemployment is at 9.6% at time of posting this, but that number could easily be 10% or higher depending on all the variables. The national debt is a whopping 13 trillion dollars. Yes children, thats trillion with a 't.' And as I could do a whole segment on that first fact, I think for the majority of this rant, I think I will stick with the latter of the two and stick with the growing debt and how the pork barrel and just gross gross over spending on the defense budget alone is turning America into the De facto 2nd Galactic Empire.

Now, people hear debt and automatically go to blaming our current president. And yes he does deserve partial blame. He is keeping up a war in Afganistan and a "training excerise" in Iraq that alone drain 4 billion dollars a month. 4 billion a month does not seem like much in the sceme of 13 trillion, but after 10 years, it has added up. Added the stimulus package as well as the health care legislation (which i myself am a fan of) and you get a fiscal resume' looks bleak. But I really he doubt he had any other choice and is playing the hand he got dealt, mostly due to the 12 previous administrations, mainly the Republican ones.

Going back all the way to Pres. Truman and the end of WWII, you can see a very obvious trend when you look at the National Debt as percent of GDP (Gross Domestic Product.) Here is a graph to support. The most obvious thing that jumps off to me is the polar difference between the Dems and GOP. Starting with Truman and Ending with Obama, there are 6 Presidents of each party. Of the 6 Dem's, only Obama is on pace to have raised the debt. 1 out of 6. Flip side, 4 of the 6 Presidents of the GOP raised the debt, 3 of them dramatically. You should not have to dramatically raise the debt to get your policies and your ideas across.

Here is a chart showing the unemployment rate since 1948 to 2008. Clinton dropped unemployment from 7.8% at its peak during his administration down to around 4% by 1999. Then under Bush 2, it rose over 3% than what Clinton had it lowered to. And by time Obama took office, the recession was already rolling and holding the level under 12% was a feat it itself. So people who want to bash the current administration for failed economic policies and rampant unemployment, your anger is misplaced. Yes, more possibly could have been done. But the fact is that the president and his whole political party have a fantastic track record of reducing debt and also decreasing unemployment.

Whew, ok, got that out of the way. Now on to my main point. Let me throw some numbers out at you.
$670 billion - U.S budget for Defense.
$611 billion - Budget for Defense for for the next 14 in spending (China, France, UK, Russia, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, India, Italy, Brazil, South Korea, Canada, Australia, and Spain) COM-FUCKING-BINED!!! Anyone eles have a problem with that besides me?!?!?!? What kind of threat are we under that it takes us outspending nations with a combined 3.3 billion people!?!?!?!?!?!? That is around half of the entire world's population!?!?!?!?!?

Trivia time. Who can name, in terms of planes alone, the top two air forces in the world? Give up. The United States and The United States. The USAF and USN control the two largest air forces in the world. I guess we got tired of being number 1 in everything, so we must be number 2 as well i guess. The United States control at least two bases (Army, Navy, Air Force) in Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Spain, United Kingdom, Israel, Bahrain, and the Philippines. Not to mention the, at least, dozen more countries where we have just one base. PLUS the over 100 camps, bases, naval yards, air fields, ect that are here in the USA. The United States spends per capita $2,115.71 on defense spending. That is double every other country in the world except Israel. That is absolutely ridiculous. It is gross over-spending caused mostly by America's Imperialism view towards foregin policy and its also driven by fear. Fear of a enemy who really is not there.

Now, people might take this as some kind of anti-american rant and some extremist view on policy. Where in fact it could not be more opposite. I love America. More than most. I love that I live in a country where I have the freedom to question my leaders and have a voice.

Here is what I want:
1. Cut defense spending by at least 33% over the next 5 years.
2. Pull 75% of the troops off of bases in countries we are not in a war or "operation" against within the next 10 years.
3. Use the now $333+ billion in new funding to rebuild every interstate highway, school, and hospital in the United States and our territories. That not only updates our crumbling infrastructure, but it creates jobs, which reduces unemployment.

Those 3 things happen, relations all across the world improve because America is leaving area's she is not wanted. Unemployment would drop from the high 9's to at least the high 6's. Guaranteed. Will this ever happen, no. Because America thinks she must patrol the world, and to a extent, we do. As a superpower we do have a responsibility. But no where near the level we patrol things now.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Political Ignorance. Time to put some learning on you.

Hello again. It's that time again. Something else is irritating me, and its time to shed some light on it. And that my darlings, is politics. And the overwhelming ignorance and hatred that is flowing today. People today are so enamored and just, unjustly, upset over issues they themselves do not fully understand because of their own rash judgments. People today do not form opinions for themselves. They take what they are on Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Keith Olbermann, ect. Some of the "talking heads" of the Right and Left respectfully. People here what they say, and they just agree, merely because they themselves are members of the same political party. And that, is just ignorant.

Now, to put some personal prospective. I myself am a registered Democrat, for the moment. This will change to independent. And yes, I do at times tend to lean more left than i right. I will be the first to admit it. But just because i am a registered a Democrat, does not mean i form my entire political and social agenda around that party and their ideals. And anyone who does do that, is retarded. No one person is EVER 100% Republican or 100% Democratic. I feel the whole two party system needs, at least, to be totally redone, if not totally abolished. But thats for another rant, another time.

The main issue I see with today's politics, is the overwhelming racism and bigotry towards the President. In a recent PEW research poll, almost 1 IN 5 AMERICAN'S believe that President Obama is a Muslim. That is 20% OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY. And of these 20%, 60% of those people learned of his "religion" from the media. So, to put a number on it. 20% of America's is somewhere around 60,000,000 people. What has the man done, besides having the middle name that is similar to a former Iraqi dictator, that would ever suggest that he was a Muslim? Really, give me proof America. Show me something........You can't. There is NOTHING valid to suggest the man is Muslim. And, while on the subject, you "Birthers," you people need to be shot. TO HONESTLY THINK SOMEONE BECAME ELECTED PRESIDENT AND SOMEHOW WAS NOT BORN A AMERICAN CITIZEN, its beyond stupid. I do not have a word to accurately describe how ignorant it really is. And it honestly scares me that someone could think that.

While on the President, let me say this. I am in favor of the man. But to the people to say he is the worst President ever, or that he has not done a thing to further America. Do you not pay attention? The only accurate way to measure a President, is to look at what he promised during his campaign, and did he fulfill said promises. President Bush, who I was a fan of in 2000, not in '04 and not now. Was, by that defination, a good President. The man fulfilled many promises in his 8 years. Yes, missed things and let 2 wars greatly diminish what he actually did. But he was a good president. Now, back to today. Lets name 3 of President Obama's main campaign promises. 1. Health Care Reform. 2. End the war in IRAQ. (He said he always would expand if Afghanistan) 3. Wall Street-Financial Reform / Stimulus Package . Done, Done, and Done. And he hasn't been in office two years yet. Now, some will bitch at Health Care Reform. But it passed. Watered down, but by in large, its what he want. As of September 1st, all combat troops have left Iraq. So accomplished #2. Finally with Wall Street Reform, which most of you reading this will know little of, was just recently passed. As well as the Stimulus Package, which right or wrong to you, was passed and has helped slow the Recession. So, by the true definition on how to accurately grade a President, this President has done what he promised he would. Period

Now, in closing. If you are Republican or Democratic. Black or While. Christian or Muslim. Its time to end the hatred. Make your own opinion America. Dont judge someone just on their skin, or their "religion," or just because you do not agree 100% with the subject at hand. People will not always agree. Just because you do not like one stance of a person, does not mean you should then subjugate them on every other stance.

Feel free to comment below if you disagree, or agree. And comments or concerns with what is above is appreciated.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baby Momma's and Baby Daddy's

I have come to realize something over the past few weeks, nay, the past few months. A growing...dare i say epidemic. Something that has, for the most part, engulfed the entire area in which i live. And my lovely snowflakes, the problem is sex. Teen sex at that.

Now, I know that today's society is more progressive than in past, its much more progressive. And with that, a number of new problems, like with any shift in the typical social ideal, was inevitably going to arise. And the main  problem i feel has arisen, is the glorification and just mainstream of sex. Now, DO NOT get me wrong, I love sex as much as any other person. But I also grew up with family and support that help me understand every single negative that goes along with the one positive. But somewhere in the past 10 years, a shift has happened. Now the message just is not getting through. I am just a few years removed from high school, but I still like to think i have the beat on things. Now when i was in 8th grade, just 7 years ago, i can remember how things were. Most of us were worried about our soccer match, or selling our old Pokemon cards to the unsuspecting 6th graders who did not know better. We all had hit puberty, but sex in 8th grade seemed only a dream. I went to a decent sized school, and you could count on a hand or two, the people having sex. The number was around maybe 5% were having sex. Mostly it was girls who got scammed by dreams of love to a boy in 9th grade. Sad, but it did happen then.

Fast forward 7 years now. I would honestly now say, that 5% number of girls having sex in 8th grade, has jumped to at least 20%. I would bet even higher. Go to 9th grade, i bet the number jumps to at least 35%, easy. And none of these kids should be coming anywhere near sex. I only wish that the sex was the problem.

These kids, who have sex at 12 or 13, have no clue whatsoever about fully what should go into having sex. And by the time they reach 16 or 17, they have been having sex on average as much as a mid 20's person would have 15 years prior. And no 16 year old kid has ANYWHERE near the mental capacity as they would  10 years down the road at 26. And with that "blissful ignorance," comes a sort of "god complex" with these kids. They think their isn't a chance they can catch a STD's. No chance they can get a girl pregnant. But they are. They are catching STD's, alot. They are getting pregnant, at a alarming rate. It blows my mind to go on my facebook and search for old friends from Fernandina and friends from Yulee. The amount of these people who have had kids by 18 or 19, BLOWING MY FUCKING MIND.

Now, im not trying to start some grass-roots movement to stop 15 year old kids from having sex. Im not a moron. I was 15 once. Sex dominates 90% of your day. From 13 on, it dominates your life. No, what i want, is for these kids to use the "big head" before using the "little head."

First for the guys. Guys, i know at 15/16/17, you may not have a car, or a job, or any of it. And possibly may be hard to find a place to buy condoms or even get the money to buy them. And I do not care. You go get you some condoms. If you have to go dig cans out and recycle them, you do it. Go to the health center where-ever you are. Most places will hand you a brown bag FULL OF CONDOMS. I know, I've done it and I've seen it done. Are they fullproof? No. but 99% or 98% sure beats trying to pull out 2 seconds before. We all know you wont do it.

Ladies, going to be mean, but its kinda more your fault then it is the guys. When it comes to sex, we shut down. We lose all complex thinking ability. In sex, you control all the cards. You control everything. You need to make sure we wear a condom, that we are clean. Everything. Because when it comes to getting sex, we will lie until we are blue in the face. And i know asking Mom to go on birth control is tough. But there is one line that i think is a great one to use. If she says no, just respond with something like this. "Mom, i'm going to have sex either way. Now, you can do the responsible thing and i will respect you for it. Or, you can act like i'm still your "precious angel", and you can help me raise your grandchild while i get my GED." Simple as that.

In closing, I hope I have shown a little light on this growing problem. I don't want to stop the sex, i want to stop the girls and guys who are having to throw their 20's and 30's away because they are now mothers and fathers before them themselves are out of high school. Use protection, be smart, use your mind. No condom, no sex. Simple as that. That happens, this goes away.