Here we are again gentle snowflakes. Time for me to comment on the world and it's problem's.
People who party and then post a profile picture of themselves doing a keg-stand - We get it. Your just John fucking Wayne awesome. You, with the help of friends, can lift you up and drink beer in a way it was not intended to. Touche'. But really, no one care's. Have it as a picture on there, great. i love seeing them. But you don't need to show "How badazzzzzzz" you are in your profile.
Woman who sell pictures of a famous man's slong - STOP IT!!!! Your a whore for selling it. Stop "looking for a quick payday" It is insulting. A man just does not willy nilly sext a picture of the hog to you, just so you can send it to Perez Hilton after he screws you for a few weeks, and never calls again. Get over it, you got used. But stop ruining reputations over it.
Tea Party People - If you want the general public to take you seriously, you MUST STOP LETTING WITCHES AND NAZI'S IN!!!!!!!!!! If you reading this think I am exaggerating, i'm not. Well maybe a tad with the witch part. But go read up on Christine O'Donnell and Rich Iott. She wants a ban on masturbation. I can't take you seriously when you have these people. Not at all.
Weather People - Stop alerting us when a tropical depression forms 4,500 miles away off the coast of Africa. WE DONT CARE. Katrina was horrible, we understand. But i'm tired of hearing of these storms, just to hear a week later its closer now to England than to the East Coast. GET THE DAMN WEATHER CORRECT HERE!!!!!
People who produce commerical's - STOP MAKING THE FUCKING VOLUME 8329x louder than the show's volume. I am sick of almost being asleep, then hearing your theme song BLAST out of the TV and screw up my near sleep.
Facebook people - Stop posting the damn "like this and I will tell you what I think of you" or whatever- Stop it. If your that bored, go read a book, the newspaper, something. If your 18, go research the amendments and people who you can vote for. Do your civic duty and get out at vote, not regale on what you thought the first time you saw me in a school hallway and you thought that "i looked scary" or "your beard is nasty" idc. You bitches are just jealous you can't grow this epicness.
Guy's who post mirror shot's of themselves - Stop itttt. You just look rediculous. And double douche points to the ones who show their abs. This is facebook, NOT A DAMN ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH STORE!!!!!!!!!!!
60 Minutes - PLEASEEEEE STOP THE ANDY ROONEY SEGMENT AT THE END OF THE SHOW!!!!!! (I know maybe 2 people who read this will even know who he is) It is just painful to watch you bitch at the sticker's that come on pieces of fruit.
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Capitol One - STOP SENDING ME CREDIT CARD APPLICATION'S!!!!!!! I must get one a week. I do not want one!!!!!!! Why would I want your card, which to purchase a $1 dollar candy bar, after interest and hidden fees, would cost me as must as $3. NO!
Baseball people - Stop bitching how instant reply will 'slow the game down' IT TAKES 4 HOURS FOR A FUCKING GAME TO FINISH NOW. What's 4 hours and 10 minutes??? I will take it to get the calls correct.
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