
Monday, October 4, 2010

Tea Party. Legit, Kinda Legit, Or Just Plain B.S??

Been awhile since I've done a good political blog. Been trying to save this one up, because I knew it could be good. Its close enough to the coming elections that it applies nicely. Now, we all know of the Tea Party. And most of you either have one of two opinions. Either you love them, their message, and everything. Or, your the majority who just think that these are crazy white people who hate that the President is black and they want to take out some deep seeded hostility on him and anything else they can connect to him or Washington.

Now, let me start out by saying this: I do kinda agree with the Tea Party movement in some area's. Shocking I know, blew my mind just saying it. Once I actually started doing my own research, (not just listening to the news and reading print media) I found I agree with some of their main idea's. Now, in saying that, it also took me over a hour, going through many sites and paper's to actually find their common ideal's.

Now, when it comes to ending earmarks, or more to the point, requiring a 2/3's majority to pass them, is good. Also, to put a "all or above" policy on energy, mainly just looking to end dependence on foreign countries, is also a good thing. Another point, I do believe that there are some in this movement that genuinely want to have good, honest change in America. And whether you or I agree is irreverent. The fact that some want to be or start a new movement and induce change is patriotic and I applaud those in the group who want change for change sake. Good honest change.

Now to the problems I have, haha. One big one I have about the Tea Party, is the fact there really is not a Tea Party. There is not one, two, or three unified group that are the raining leader. Every Tom, Dick, or Harry runs their own chapter of some sort of Tea Party. You have (and these are the bigger of the groups) : The National Tea Party Coalition, The Tea Party Express, Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Nation, and the National Tea Party Federation. And that's to just to name a few. When you have all of these groups, all of which believe they should be the major players, you get many, many different people all yelling for change and whatnot. What this does is just distort the message.

The Dem's and GOP have the DNC and RNC. National Committee's that basically run everything within their party. Now, that's a bad thing because they do have a monopoly on a lot of the party, but it also unifies them and helps in many ways as well, give and take. Now, I'm not saying the Tea Party needs to do that, but have a few groups be it. Have a few groups control most of the message and policy.


But now to the meat of my problem with this movement. This is something I touched on in one of my earliest post. (Go down and read it if you have not) And it is with the wing nut, crazy, racist, douche bag, jack asses at the rallies, the political leaders, the officials running on the Tea Party flag, the secret funders of the whole party, and the people on the internet and who get on TV and just spew verbal excrement from their mouths to do nothing but incense people. (run on sentence FTW) Now I take it you see the pictures throughout. I literally typed Tea Party Pictures into Google images and got those. Did not type anything eles. Not socalism, not monkey, not balls, just Tea Party Pictures. That right there is my whole take on the Tea Party.

If those are the people at your rallies, America is in a scary place my friends. Now, my Republican friends will say "Now Cody, people had signs like that at anti-Bush events and all." True, I will agree. But their is a difference between the two. The people at the Bush rallies were not racist bigots who believe the FUCKING PRESIDENT WAS BORN IN KENYA. People poked fun at Bush because of his policies and his verbal gaff's, and at the fact he choked on a pretzel, but not his race. People NEVER SERIOUSLY questioned ol GW's citizenship's, or his religious affliciations. I can not think of anyone who, with any seriousness, questioned any of that. In a recent, I believe it was the PEW Foundation. poll came out and in it was this. They concluded that 52% of Republican's (Which is the Tea Party, no real Dem's in it) now believe that the President sympathizes with Muslim's and the terrorist. Also, I believe around 26% said they have serious doubt's if whether our President is in fact a natural U.S citizen. (BTW, this post is getting fucking long. I'm sorry.) It is sicking to me.

Hate the guy's policies all you want. Hate health care all you want, don't call it socialism. By that standard, Cuba is socialist, which is impossible because they are Communist. Also would make Great Britain socialist, but that's impossible because they are a monarchy. Big Daddy Cane once told me this, and it applies : "Humphrey, you slick, sexy bastard, always remember this. Don't hate the player. Hate the game"

In closing now, (FUCKING FINALLY CODY, I know) let me say this. I want the Tea Party to be a success. I do. But not like this. I would love a new party to rise (would prefer the Libertarian's) and challenge the powerhouses and shake up Washington. But to accomplish it with hate, bigotry and whatnot is not the way to do it. It will only tarnish our reputation around the world, something we can not afford to do. The Tea Party can do good things as a whole if it can get a grip on these radical's in their group.

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