
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Political Ignorance. Time to put some learning on you.

Hello again. It's that time again. Something else is irritating me, and its time to shed some light on it. And that my darlings, is politics. And the overwhelming ignorance and hatred that is flowing today. People today are so enamored and just, unjustly, upset over issues they themselves do not fully understand because of their own rash judgments. People today do not form opinions for themselves. They take what they are on Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Keith Olbermann, ect. Some of the "talking heads" of the Right and Left respectfully. People here what they say, and they just agree, merely because they themselves are members of the same political party. And that, is just ignorant.

Now, to put some personal prospective. I myself am a registered Democrat, for the moment. This will change to independent. And yes, I do at times tend to lean more left than i right. I will be the first to admit it. But just because i am a registered a Democrat, does not mean i form my entire political and social agenda around that party and their ideals. And anyone who does do that, is retarded. No one person is EVER 100% Republican or 100% Democratic. I feel the whole two party system needs, at least, to be totally redone, if not totally abolished. But thats for another rant, another time.

The main issue I see with today's politics, is the overwhelming racism and bigotry towards the President. In a recent PEW research poll, almost 1 IN 5 AMERICAN'S believe that President Obama is a Muslim. That is 20% OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY. And of these 20%, 60% of those people learned of his "religion" from the media. So, to put a number on it. 20% of America's is somewhere around 60,000,000 people. What has the man done, besides having the middle name that is similar to a former Iraqi dictator, that would ever suggest that he was a Muslim? Really, give me proof America. Show me something........You can't. There is NOTHING valid to suggest the man is Muslim. And, while on the subject, you "Birthers," you people need to be shot. TO HONESTLY THINK SOMEONE BECAME ELECTED PRESIDENT AND SOMEHOW WAS NOT BORN A AMERICAN CITIZEN, its beyond stupid. I do not have a word to accurately describe how ignorant it really is. And it honestly scares me that someone could think that.

While on the President, let me say this. I am in favor of the man. But to the people to say he is the worst President ever, or that he has not done a thing to further America. Do you not pay attention? The only accurate way to measure a President, is to look at what he promised during his campaign, and did he fulfill said promises. President Bush, who I was a fan of in 2000, not in '04 and not now. Was, by that defination, a good President. The man fulfilled many promises in his 8 years. Yes, missed things and let 2 wars greatly diminish what he actually did. But he was a good president. Now, back to today. Lets name 3 of President Obama's main campaign promises. 1. Health Care Reform. 2. End the war in IRAQ. (He said he always would expand if Afghanistan) 3. Wall Street-Financial Reform / Stimulus Package . Done, Done, and Done. And he hasn't been in office two years yet. Now, some will bitch at Health Care Reform. But it passed. Watered down, but by in large, its what he want. As of September 1st, all combat troops have left Iraq. So accomplished #2. Finally with Wall Street Reform, which most of you reading this will know little of, was just recently passed. As well as the Stimulus Package, which right or wrong to you, was passed and has helped slow the Recession. So, by the true definition on how to accurately grade a President, this President has done what he promised he would. Period

Now, in closing. If you are Republican or Democratic. Black or While. Christian or Muslim. Its time to end the hatred. Make your own opinion America. Dont judge someone just on their skin, or their "religion," or just because you do not agree 100% with the subject at hand. People will not always agree. Just because you do not like one stance of a person, does not mean you should then subjugate them on every other stance.

Feel free to comment below if you disagree, or agree. And comments or concerns with what is above is appreciated.

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